What is the best type of government?

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  • #867
    Priya Saha

    Governance means to make sure that every voice is heard. Democracy to some extent helped but failed in making the small voices being heard. To reach the top, one has to shout a lot! Every Governance failed in reaching to the bottom line or allowing the bottom line to reach the top. Monarchy failed in allowing the people to participate in the Governance. Communism failed in top people being selfless. Capitalism is a system based fully on the selfishness of the people. There is no scope for the selfless servants to survive there. Everything is measured in terms of money and fame.

    The new evolution in Governance is taking place in the world as the democratic system is breeding corruption at every level. Democracy has become a very slow process of effective implementation of its projects. The ‘majority over the minority’ principle is building gaps and enmity within the citizens of the country. It is dividing the people into various groups. The defective election system in a democracy is making voters mouths shut after the declaration of the results. There is no callback facility allowing the elected party to rule the rest of the people in spite of the acts of vengeance etc.

    The new evolving system of governance is called bottom-up Governance or Governance evolving from the neighborhood. It is also known as Neighbourocracy or Sociocracy. This system empowers everyone. There is no opposition to fight against it. It is all-inclusive and builds objections as a part of the decisions.

    This is successfully implemented in the movements light NEighbourhood Community Network in India where Inclusive Neighbourhood Children’s Parliaments and Women’s Parliaments and Neighbourhood Parliaments are functioning in large numbers. It is setting a new world order allowing people to make decisions about their neighbourhoods. This is helping in bringing the SDGs of the UN implemented at the lowest cost.

    This is the best possible Government as of now to us and maybe for every society and the country.

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